2011 Annual Conference of the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology

13 – 16 Sept 2011

International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE)

ISEE is an international organization with almost 1000 members from more than 60 countries and regional chapters and local groups in Latin America and the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, South Asia, and East Asia. The International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISEE) provides a forum for the discussion of problems unique to the study of human health and the environment. With membership open to environmental epidemiologists and other scientists worldwide, ISEE provides a variety of forums for discussions, critical reviews, collaborations and education on issues of environmental exposures and their human health effects. These include annual meetings, newsletters, workshops and liaisons with academic, governmental, inter-governmental, non-profit and business institutions. Topics addressed by ISEE members include environmental exposures (e.g. air pollution, hazardous waste, metals, pesticides, radiation), health effects (e.g. cancer, cardiovascular disease, neurologic effects, reproductive effects), methodology (e.g. biomarkers, ecologic investigations, experimental design, exposure/dose assessment, meta-analysis, risk assessment, statistics), environment-gene interactions, and ethics and law.

Centre de Recerca en Epidemiologia Ambiental (CREAL)

The conference will be organized by faculty from the Centre of Research in Environmental Epidemiology (CREAL) (http://www.creal.info/), funded by the Departments of Environment and Health of the Generalitat, the Government of Catalonia and affiliated with the Municipal Institute of Medical Investigations (IMIM) (http://www.imim.cat/) and the University Pompeu Fabra (http://www.upf.es/) in Barcelona, Spain. CREAL is led by Professor Josep Maria Antó, and co-directors Professors Jordi Sunyer and Manolis Kogevinas. It has a further 10 senior investigators and a total of around 70 staff. CREAL research is organized in three different programmes: childhood health, cancer and respiratory diseases with strong focus on exposure to water, air pollution, radiation and other environmental and occupational exposures. CREAL scientists are leaders and steering committee members of numerous international collaborative research programs. CREAL gives also scientific advice to national and international public health authorities and collaborates in research applied to public health concerns. The proposed conference will coincide with the 5th anniversary of CREAL.

The conference Chair and co chair of the local organizing committee will be Professors Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen and Manolis Kogevinas.

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