WHO to launch a global database for air quality and health

WHAT: On Monday 26 September 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) will launch the first WHO Air Quality global database in Geneva, Switzerland. It covers almost 1100 cities in 91 countries, revealing sometimes startling air pollution levels and trends. The database shows where air pollution and the related health burden is highest. This information should help Member States to prioritize actions to reduce health risks.

WHO: for an interview with one of our experts on this topic, please call Nada Osseiran, communications Officer, Department of Public Health and Environment, WHO, Geneva, Tel. +41 22 791 4475, Mobile +41 79 445 1624, Email: osseirann@who.int

WHERE: The embargoed media materials including the database and corresponding frequently asked questions, are available online on a protected media site at:


To receive the login and password please email: osseirann@who.int.


For further information please contact:

Ms Nada Osseiran, Communications Officer, Department of Public Health and Environment, WHO, Geneva, Tel. +41 22 791 4475, Mobile +41 79 445 1624, Email: osseirann@who.int

Gregory Härtl, Communications Advisor, Health Security and Environment Cluster, WHO, Geneva, Tel: +4122 791 4458: Mobile: + 41 79 203 67 15, Email: hartlg@who.int

All WHO information can be found at: www.who.int

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