5th International FESTEM Symposium on Trace Elements and Minerals

Background and Scope

Investigation of the biological role of trace elements and minerals (TEM) has gained outstanding importance in the life sciences. Elements present even at minimal concentrations in biological and environmental matrices, in fact, can exert fundamental influence on vital functions depending on their amounts and species. It is also worth stressing, in this context that new trace elements are being added to the list of those that are known or suspected to be essential. The Federation of European Societies on Trace Elements and Minerals (FESTEM) was founded in 1997, under the initiative of three societies from Italy (AISETOV), Germany (GMS) and from French speaking countries (SFERETE). Two other societies joined the Federation in 2002, one from Spain (SEQCET) and one from Russia (RUSTEM). The printed source of FESTEM, Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, founded in 1987 by Peter Braetter, Jurgen D. Kruse-Jarres and Ingrid Lombeck, is one of the most reputable periodical issues on TEM research. Since the FESTEM foundation, four Federation’s symposiums were successfully held in Venice (Italy), Neuherberg – Munich (Germany), Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and Saint Petersburg (Russia).

Now this symposium series will be continued in Avignon in the Provence region in southern France. The conference being held in the papal city, will provide a forum for the exchange and discussion of information on the various scientific aspects of trace elements and minerals research.


A major goal of the symposium is to strengthen the connection between fundamental investigations and medical practice by facilitating discussions about role of trace elements and minerals in biology and medicine, including biochemical and clinical applications, analytical aspects, human and animal nutrition, supplementation and epidemiology. The International Scientific Committee invites all scientists involved and/or interested in the biological role of trace elements and minerals to participate in this 5th FESTEM symposium, to discuss and cooperate with colleagues in a friendly atmosphere. Welcome to 14th century papal city, the cultural heritage.

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