10th International Conference on Urban Pests

10th International Conference on Urban Pests
29 junio al 1 de julio de 2020
Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Campus de la Ciudadela
Jaume I Building
Carrer de Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona

As you know, the International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) brings together those with a professional interest in urban pests. Every three years, participants from academia, industry, government and professional pest control, come from all over the world to meet at the ICUP and share research and ideas.

In this 10th edition that we celebrate in 2020, the Spanish Organizing Committee in charge of the Conference will maintain the classical main topics but introduce several new features related to ICUP’s spirit and aims. In the 10th ICUP Conference the initials of the organization will be relevant each day of the meeting.

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