Inicio Noticias Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

Fifth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health

por SESA
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Declaración de la Comisión Europea

The European Commission welcomes the renewed commitment to strengthen the links between Environment and Health set out in the Final Declaration of the Ministerial Conference held in Parma on 10-12 March 2010. The document sets out clearly how to implement the environment and health process across Europe, based inter alia on the Children’s Environment and Health Action Plan for Europe (CEHAPE).

The Commission supports the focus given to key environment and health challenges, such as the impact of climate change on health and the environment, socioeconomic and gender inequalities and the burden of non-communicable diseases linked to environmental conditions and disasters.

Despite the progress achieved so far, addressing major preventable determinants and diseases, such as obesity, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, remains a major challenge. Renewed efforts are required to properly address the environmental causes of such determinants and diseases. The Parma Ministerial Declaration provides a strong impetus to the implementation of effective actions to further reduce the burdens that arise from such diseases.

The Commission is committed to working with governments, civil society and with international organisations, in particular the World Health Organization, to support as appropriate the achievement of the goals set out in the Parma Declaration.

In implementing its European Environment and Health Strategy3 through the EU Action Plan on Environment and Health4, the Commission will ensure that synergies between EU level actions and those arising from the Parma Conference are fully exploited.

Signed on behalf of the European Commission

Descargar el documento completo (PDF).

Introducción del documento «The European Environment and Health Process (2010–2016): Institutional framework«:

The European Environment and Health Process (EEHP) will continue towards the Sixth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health in 2016. To ensure appropriate coordination between national implementation and international policies, an institutional framework is being proposed to ensure the proper level of monitoring and implementation, as well as political drive.

Descargar el documento completo (PDF).
Descargar el documento «Parma Declaration on Environment and Health« (PDF).

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