Inicio Eventos 2011 Climate Information for Public Health

2011 Climate Information for Public Health

por SESA
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Presentación del curso organizado por el International Research Institute for Climate and Society:

With the world’s attention focused on mechanisms for adaptation to climate variability and change, it is essential, not only for public health communities, but also for planners in central government, to understand the role climate plays in driving disease burden and impacting economic growth. Public health often emerges as the final common pathway for all impacts of climate variability and change on both individuals and society.

As a contribution to this process, the International Research Institute for Climate and Society, in partnership with the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) and the Mailman School of Public Healthinitiated this two-week course in 2008. Building on the response of our 2008 – 2009 -2010 alumni, and partners, is pleased to announce the Summer Institute 2011 course on Climate Information for Public Health will be held May 16 – May 27, 2011 at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, Lamont Campus located in Palisades, New York.

Overview of the Course

This two week course will provided a balance of concepts and methods from the health and climate communities using an approach deeply oriented toward methodology, gathering and using evidence for decision-making in order for the participants to get in-depth knowledge and skills in decision-making for health-care planning of climate sensitive diseases. The course will be conducted entirely in English.

The course will help participants (i) understand the role climate plays in driving the infectious disease burden and public health outcomes, (ii) use new tools for accessing climate and epidemiological data, for analyzing and mapping using the IRI Data Library and other Geographic information Systems (GIS) and (iii) understand management and data integration as an opportunity to improve the decision making process in public health

Who should attend

This course targets professionals who play a research role in the operational decision making or public health-care planning, evaluation, surveillance or control of climate sensitive diseases.

The course is limited to 12 participants

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