Inicio Eventos 3rd. Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology

3rd. Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology

por SESA
2,K vistas

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We invite you to visit the updated website of the 3rd. Hemispheric Conference on Medical Geology (Montevideo, Uruguay, 12-16 October 2009), where you can find further details of the pre-conference activities (short courses and workshops), invited speakers, abstracts, lectures and the main topics of the conference with the corresponding submitted abstracts until 1st June.

We remind you that the *Last Minute Call for Posters* is opened until * 4th September* and *reduced registrations fees* are available until *15th september*.

Kind regards and welcome to Uruguay in October

Prof. Dr.Nelly Manay
3rd.HCMedGeo Chairperson

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