Inicio Noticias Research on Climate Change

Research on Climate Change

por SESA
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Introducción del documento publicado por la Comisión Europea:

International Co-operation in the Framework Programme for European Research

European climate research is global in scope and addressing key questions on the function of the Earth-system, the human interference, its impacts and consequences. The European research Framework Programme (FP) is open to participation of all countries of the world. Specific international co-operation actions are dedicated to developing countries and emerging economies. Research partners from these countries are also eligible for funding. Here, we present a sample of FP projects.

The crucial role of science in the UNFCCC process was highlighted during the Copenhagen conference in December 2009 (COP 15). The Copenhagen Accord recognises that global warming should not exceed 2 °C above the pre-industrial level. Climate change research will have to answer the central question of the feasibility and regional implications of this target and how efforts could be shared.

Climate change is global and complex in its causes and consequences. Understanding and dealing with climate change represents one of the great challenges for modern society. Presently, the pivotal role of climate change research in this endeavour is emphasised. Although substantial scientific progress has been made, major uncertainties remain in projecting impacts and developing adequate adaptation and mitigation options.

Research on climate change promotes innovation to address these challenges. Innovation is not only technological research and its applications, but also innovative management (e.g. adaptation and mitigation strategies), new business models and services (e.g. optimised public transport) as well as behavioural changes, which all represent added value for the general public. For example, computer-based models simulating future climate and impacts can be used by experts in governments, consultancies and research institutes to develop policies.

Through the Framework Programme the European Commission is increasingly undertaking actions to strengthen the EU research and innovation dimension in the international arena and the corresponding interface with policy in the field of climate change. It supports important research activities on mitigation, adaptation, impacts, REDD and LULUCF, exhibiting also a strong international dimension going well beyond European borders.

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